Certificate Programs


Property Asset Management Specialist

The best use of your time is sourcing money and finding more deals. Having good asset management skills allows you to hand over day-to-day operations of a property to a property management company while you oversee it from a high level view.


Underwriting Specialist

If a deal fails, the most common reason is the initial underwriting was not done properly. When this happens the investor doesn’t see the return he/she projected and his/her investors do not get their return that was forecast.


Funding Specialist

Where are you going to get the money to do your deals? This is called the capital stack. It’s called that because every deal usually has two, three and sometimes more types of funding on it.


Acquisition Specialist

You’re not in business unless you are doing deals. In order to do deals you must form key relationships, create a brand that is trusted in the marketplace, and work a marketing plan that brings in qualified deals on a regular basis.